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If you've been tought, as I was, that your relationship with Jesus is based on what you do, this message can be hard to swallow; but the gospel itself is simple. Jesus died for ALL of your sins; past, present, and future! He represents you at ALL times; when you've sinned and when you haven't. Salvation is a gree gift from God, THROUGH faith; it is not based on your actions and deeds, but on what Jesus did. As a believer, you are a saint, a son and daughter, an heir to His kingdom. Everything Jesus is, you are! Everything Jesus has, you have! You are righteous because of who you are, IN CHRIST, NOT because of what you do. Right believing produces right living; right decisions, good deeds, obedience, and love are a fruit of the spirit, not something you work to achieve. You ARE God's accepted and beloved; there is nothing you have to do to achieve that. Jesus' work on the cross is finished; He only died once. Your rleationship with Christ always exists even if you sin; it is not based on how many spiritual disciplines you do. Your authority in Christ always exists. God will never be angry with you. He will never be disappointed in you. Jesus loves you, He will always love you, and there is nothing you can or will ever do to stop that. Even if you turn your back on Him, you can't escape Him because He is always with you and He is always faithful to you. He will never turn His back on you. He will never reject you.



BELIEVING IT! The HARDEST time to go boldly to the throne of grace is when we sin, but there is only one difference between those who are walking in freedom and those who aren't; those who are walking in freedom BELIEVE the truth of what Jesus did and they live like it! If you don't believe what the Lord says and you don't receive what He died to give you, you will never have all that He died to give you.



True grace does not make you sin more. When you focus on Jesus instead of yourself, you won't have a desire to sin! There is always a never-ending supply of grace, but anyone who chooses to sin and use grace as the excuse, isn't truly under grace. I am against sin and for obedience, but those things are a by-product of trusting the Lord with a surrendered heart; not by following a list of rules. 

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