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DEB Gemstone Body Chain ⑦

What an interesting and intriguing idea; body chains. I love the concept of jewelry that connects multiple body parts; rings connected to a bracelet or this necklace connected to the midriff. This particular one is for "plus size", but I'm certain anyone could wear it; it just might drape more on junior sizes. It's fun, decorative, and versatile, but its display is definitely dependent on the style of top you wear.

I prefer the strapless look with this design; not so fond of the plain white "T" because they just don't go together in this pairing, for me. It's quite thin, so I wouldn't recommend manual labor on the farm, but maybe for a not-so-physical day out? Putting it on is a slight challenge at first, but it all plays out in the end. This piece is under $10 at DEB and they have tons of accessories that aren't listed on their website; but it's ever changing, so it's never guaranteed you'll see the same piece twice!

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