American Parasail - Branson, MO ⑩

Straight up…the main thing I remember about this experience was being in the air! Someone else paid for my excursion, I wasn’t paying attention to where we were going, so I don’t remember the ride there, and the company itself is a blur; but I will NEVER forget being on that boat! The men were very nice and personable; the way they talked and their confidence in what they were doing really puts you at ease and makes you feel comfortable. Now, I personally LOVE the water and am not afraid of it, so this was an easy deal for me, but they still communicated the process very well to let you know how everything operates. They gave step by step instructions, but there weren’t many because they do all the work. You literally just sit there, let them harness you in then relax and enjoy the ride!

The transition from boat to air then air to landing was very smooth; I wanted to get my bottom half wet (wasn’t looking to be dragged under), but they will land you without getting wet at all if that’s what you prefer. When I tell you it was peaceful up there, I mean it; it was peaceful! The air is different at even a mere 300 feet; it was calm and still and provided an atmosphere of majesty to see so much of the water and the city from that vantage point. It was just absolutely breathtaking and I would do this every day if given the opportunity! Thank you for such an amazing experience!

The ONLY thing I wish they'd offer is the ability to be up in the air for longer than 15 minutes! The cost is $99/person; if there’s room, a non-flying passenger can be on the boat for a $20 fee. They also take 30-50 photos and an HD video of your flight that you can purchase afterwards for $30. Sometimes on their website you can get a $5 off coupon.