Enfusia Lavender Body Wash ⑨

I "accidentally" stumbled upon this when a family member gave me a bottle. I am a SUCKER for products that aren't commercialized; but rather someone threw some things together in their kitchen and uncovered an amazing discovery! The Lavender body wash is both French and English Lavender together, along with essential oils and a slew of other ingredients. It lathered SO nicely and like their website says; it did NOT leave my skin feeling dry. I also tried it as a shampoo and it totally worked.

The body wash smelled so good that I can NOT wait to get my hands on their body mist; which also doubles as a room spray, WHAT! The body wash is only available right now in 2oz bottles (sad face) and is $2.99 plus shipping. The body mist is 8.5oz and costs $8.49. I'm definitely looking forward to trying their other fragrances!!! Their products are light, invigorating, and make you feel like you're in a quaint, ocean-front cabin with the wind blowing your white, see-through sheers! The only thing I wanted was for the aroma of the body wash to linger longer, but maybe the body mist will offer that!