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Coconut Oil ⑩

I could write a BOOK about the never-ending benefits of coconut oil; but I won't! Let's start with all the technical stuff...whether cooking with it or adding it to your beauty regimen; you want the pure, unrefined, cold pressed, 100% organic, extra virgin version. Feel free to do all the research on why, but ultimately it's because all of those aspects make it all-natural and really good for you.

Now let's get on to the even better stuff! I personally like the Carrington Farms brand! I used it for multiple purposes; cooking AND beauty and it the beauty part was a super fun experience!

Oil Pulling: I used it for oil pulling; which is basically just placing a teaspoon of it in your mouth and swishing it between your teeth. It makes your teeth white, but it also pulls out all of the impurities from your mouth and gums.

Lip Scrub: Add 1 part melted coconut oil to 2 parts brown sugar and stir until the oil solidifies. Place a small dab on your lips and rub it in really well. Doing this nightly will exfoliate dead skin cells and leave your lips feeling VERY soft. It also aids in healthy skin re-growth!

Body Moisturizer: I tried swapping my body lotion for coconut oil instead; the results were pretty phenomenal. My skin was beyond incredibly soft and silky and I smelled so good! The only thing I didn't like was that it's a bit messy and it does stick to your clothes, so I wouldn't recommend fabrics that hold moisture marks.

Leave-In Conditioner: After I washed and conditioned my hair, I placed a quarter size oil in my hands, rubbed them together to warm the oil then applied it all over my hair. I used a pick to thoroughly coat it and left it in until my next wash. It was pretty ridiculous how soft my hair was, but the oil did leave a wet mark if I laid my head anywhere. I would highly recommend using a liquid form for easier distribution.

Pre-Exercise Energy Boost: Once I got past the initial texture in my mouth, I chewed through about a tablespoon full then swallowed it during my pre-work out stretch. It gave me an all-natural burst of energy and continued to aid in endurance throughout my workout!

Cooking: Of course I also used it for cooking; substituting any butter or other oils that I would have used in a pan. It's healthy and it added just a slight hint of sweetness to my dishes!

It did take my body a few days to adjust to the coconut oil because I went from never having used it to suddenly using in and on everything. It will definitely cause all of the impurities in your body to flush themselves out. You cannot go wrong with coconut oil!

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