Scottish Inn - Spring Texas ①

This used to be called the "Spring Lodge", but has since been purchased with new management by Scottish Inns & Suites. Don't let the name fool you; there just isn't anything NOT creepy about this place! Praise the Lord, it is a place to lay your head if you have no other options; so I felt compelled to at least give it 1 heart. It's one of the cheapest hotels in Conroe at $245 for 7 days; you're about to see why...

Let's look at the two positives; the full-size refrigerator and the fairly cool, abstract photo of a guitar. I wish I could say they got rid of the free pornography channels, but that isn't so. The rest of it was "straight outta crime scene movie"!

The carpet appeared to not have been vacuumed in possibly months, but more interesting than that was the giant red "X"; no, make that two giant red "X's" marked in front of the door. The curtains were half hooked like your bathroom shower liner, and the new green paint job, paired with florescent lighting, made me feel like I was a science experiment. I needed the help of the Holy Spirit because you have to touch things if you want to sit down.
BUT...all of those details that I'd be willing to ignore, do not compare to the fact that my room was infested with bed bugs. I'm convinced it goes beyond that though because all during the day I was being bitten. This image of my face happened the first night I slept on their pillows and the rest of my body looked the same. They gave me clean sheets, but that didn't solve the problem; by the time I left, my entire body was covered in welts.

Oh wait...I guess I should mention they do offer free WI-FI, if you can sit still long enough to use it.
This is the painful side of reviews; sometimes it's necessary to call things out for the sake of helping someone else avoid your troubles. I don't know if every location is like this, but proceed with serious caution; this is not an environment to thrive in, unless you're a bed bug.