Pleasure Pier - Galveston TX ④

This was not my pleasure; at $26.99 per ticket, I kept wishing for a different kind of adventure. Under the circumstances, I tried to enjoy it as much as possible for the sake of my husband's fun, but it was a struggle. Now, I'm not a huge fan of carnival rides, so that may have added to my desire to go take a nap. Pleasure Pier has a bunch of rides and snack places, but my favorite part was that the whole thing was on the pier; directly over the ocean!

This circular monster is called the "Cyclone". Basically, you move forward and backward until gaining enough momentum to go in a complete circle, repeatedly. I believe my spirit left my body and went to be with Jesus for a few brief moments. I absolutely loved the Ninja at Six Flags, which had 4 of these loops, so I thought this would be awesome. It was not. Not only did I feel sick, but my head became so woozy, I thought I was going to black out. Needless to say; I focused my thoughts on the truth that Jesus was with me and I was under His divine protection. That's the only thing that gave me peace.

This ridiculous thing is called the Iron Shark. I typically like roller coasters and the fact this one was over the ocean; I thought this would be the fun of my life. It was not. The initial ride up is 100 feet at a 90 degree angle. You're flat on your back in slow motion then BAM! You're flat on your face for another 100 feet at 52 MPH! There was one portion that swung you out over the water, but I didn't keep my eyes open long enough. The Shark is ultimately VERY rough and bumpy.

Pirate's Plunge is similar to Six Flag's Log Flume; this was the ONLY ride I liked and mainly because I love the water. Unlike the Log Flume, this one offers multiple twists and turns for soaking purposes. The best part was that we were the only ones on it, so the guy running it kept us on it for about 30 minutes!

The Texas Star Flyer; this thing basically raises you 230 feet above sea level, while swinging you directly over the Gulf of Mexico! It was fun to watch others do it, but there was just no way I wanted to spin in any more circles.
Overall, if you like carnivals, you may get a little kick out of this; but I just wasn't feelin' it. It was exciting to be a part of my husband's first roller coaster rides ever, but I had more fun afterwards when we went to Chili's.