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Hibachi Grill ⑧

I only recently discovered this place, less than a year ago. Apparently they exist outside of Conroe Texas, and I can't wait to try them all! I've seen some really poor reviews on Yelp, but I've never experienced anything but good things when I dine in.

One of my most favorite parts about Hibachi is their sushi! They have a pretty big selection of rolls, as well as (for lack of a better understanding) the kind where they just fillet portions of the fish and plate it. They have an orange sauce with dried onions that's atop a couple of their rolls and it is incredibly delicious! This particular location covers their plates in plastic wrap for freshness, so you're able to decipher the end pieces that are exposed, but I just uncover and grab the pieces in back.

They have a seafood spread too with a variety of things you won't find on a typical buffet. Some of it I don't care for, but it's fun to experiment. My other all-time favorites at Hibachi are their green beans, dumplings, seared steak, and this Caribbean chicken that is dynamite!

I'll give you an insider tip that will make for the best trip; go on Sunday afternoons. Because of the "church" rush, their food is always freshest at that time, they always keep the hot bins full, and they add options that aren't otherwise offered during the week!

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