LA Fresh Makeup Remover Wipes ⑧

As I mentioned on Facebook; I rarely find a makeup remover wipe that doesn't take half of my eyelashes with it, but this brand officially rocked my world! I've been frequenting Holiday Inn Express lately, and these wipes are stocked in the bathroom. You can get them at Walmart; a whole pack for about $8 and they are worth it!
I love every convenience; the size, the packaging, and the fact that they're disposable. My favorite part however, is the ease with which I was able to take off my mascara! The wipes are not only moist, but VERY soft, I did NOT have to rub hard at ALL, and I also didn't have to rub for long periods of time. These lent themselves to a quick and SMOOTH process with no residue or raccoon eyes! I've decided to add them to my list of "never leave home without them"!