Banana Oat Smoothing Mask ⑥

I was blessed to score some travel size packets of this Banana Oat Instant Smoothing Mask by Feeling Beautiful. I had so much fun in so many ways with this; the packaging caught my attention, I’ve wanted to try a mask with bananas and oats for a while now, and when I opened the package and smelled it, well…it was all over! It smelled exactly like the name!
The ingredients section states, "Highly active Alpha Hydroxy Acids rapidly exfoliate dull skin cells and reveal a softer, smoother, more radiant complexion." I was like, "YES, acids!" Instructions tell you to keep the mask on for 7 minutes and to remove it if it starts to tingle. Well, just like hair color; my plan was to leave it on about 20 minutes longer. That is, until my face was on fire and screaming at me at the 9 minute mark! After rinsing, my face was beat red; I literally did a face plant on the AC unit.
All ended well though; after a 10 minute cool down, the redness went away, and SO DID THE BROWN SPOTS! Seriously, after only ONE use there were MANY brown spots removed from my skin. Rightfully so I guess, since I just let acid eat away at my flesh. Overall, the pain was worth it, but I may split it up next time and do smaller amounts at less time.

When I visited their website and saw ALL of these cleansers, scrubs, and masks; I couldn't help but want to try them ALL!

And these too!

And foot products? They've got yummy concoctions for your face, body, feet, and hair; cleansers, butters, lotions, oils, creams, sprays, exfoliates, and even dry shampoo. I'm not sure how I feel about dry shampoo, but I definitely can't wait to try everything. The facial tubes are $4.29 and sample packets $1.99. All in all, I very much heart these undiscovered gems!