Shepherd of the Hills Outdoor Theater ③

I believe this to be an acquired taste. I loved theater when I was younger, but as I got older; it lost its thrill to a degree. If you’re in the area and just looking to take in some of the typical tourist attractions then this would be a popular one to add to your list. For me however, it was a sub-par experience. The play is from a book trilogy by a Christian minister; but the acting of the story wasn’t what kept my attention.

There was really only one part that caught my eye, and that was when they caught the log cabin on fire. I don’t know if it was the heat, the uncomfortable seating or just the fact that the story line wasn’t personally intriguing for me; but I just couldn’t get into it.
It was also quite expensive for the outdoor drama experience only; $35 per adult and $18 per child. They make efforts to get their guests involved by having a meet and greet with the cast, prior to the show, and they offer sack races and up close looks at the animals for the youngsters; but this wasn’t enough for it to be worth it for me.