Branson's Wild World ③

Branson’s Wild World has a pretty awesome website that makes it appear to be a pretty awesome place. It may be by now, but when I went; I questioned whether or not it was a real zoo. The place itself was really run down, I was the only guest there, and the only displays available were the ones containing giant spiders and snakes. They had an aquatic center, but I wasn’t able to go in because I was told there were no animals inside at the time, due to the season.

After passing through the reptile building, I landed outside next to an extremely large cage. I have to admit what I saw inside was the only thing worth going for; a giant brown bear and a giant tiger. They were lying down next to each other and cleaning each other’s hands and feet. I was very close to the cage; approximately 15 feet away and the large animals didn’t seem to even know I was there. It was absolutely majestic how large they were; but to see them playing and cleaning each other was rare to me. I thought for sure one would try to eat the other if they were in the wild and left to their own devices.

There was supposedly a mini golf course and I went into the arcade; but it looked more like an old laundromat with one old fashioned arcade game. Overall, though the tiger and bear cleaning was amazing; the experience itself wasn’t worth the money or the time. I’m beginning to wonder if I even have the right place selected, as it doesn’t look like this place is anything like this anymore.