Butterfly House - St. Louis, MO ⑦

This is probably one of the sweetest ideas for an attraction that I can think of. I mean, it’s like walking into a la-la-land of butterflies. I appreciated the suspense because the building itself is fairly large and has other things to do inside; but the door into the house looks like a normal door. This aspect made for a much more grand entry.

The only thing I was not prepared for, or warned about until I read the sign, was that butterflies live in hot climates with high humidity. This is to preserve their colors, among other reasons; but I was taken back when I first walked in. It almost took my breath away. I was instantly hit with extreme hot temperatures and it was so humid that my skin was immediately wet. It wasn’t just mildly damp; I’m talking little sweat beads from my forehead. Even my forearms were sweating. Admittedly, I didn’t stay inside long enough to go through the entire area, but what I did see was beautiful. They have quite a few different species with some very intricate color patterns! I love how this is just a mere glimpse into the creative mind of God!

One of my favorite parts of the tour was actually the carousel you could ride in the lobby! It made no sense to me and I wasn’t able to see the connection as to why there was a carousel at a butterfly house; but I road it anyway! If I go back, I’ll make sure to be properly dressed for the environment.